Christian Schwartz has partnered with Paul Barnes to form Commercial Type, a new type foundry based in London and New York. Please click here to visit our site.
Ant & Bee Art Fonts Atlas Elroy Flywheel Gladys Hairspray Morticia Twist Zombie

1994-95. Drawings by Jill Weber. Released by FontHaus.

My aunt Jill is an illustrator and book designer, so we teamed up to make some picture fonts. She draws a lot of cute little things, so I digitized them and we assembled three collections with painfully cute names. Releasing picture fonts in a very distinctive style is a double-edged sword - Jill uses these fonts all the time when she needs art for an endpaper or a quick, no-budget job, but they never really caught on commercially. The baby art dramatically outsells the others.

Baby Boom, C'est La Vie, and Raining Cats & Dogs