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Please note that, except where indicated, these typefaces are not available for licensing.

Amplitude Classified Amplitude Headline Big Black Book Stencil Brunel Caponi Farnham Headline Houston Kaiser (NEW) Popular Corporate Design:
Bosch Deutsche Bahn Eero Empire State Building Harrison Munich Re Group Symantec

2006. Commissioned by Esterson Associates and de Luxe Associates. Available to publication designers through the Font Bureau Studio Library.

Farnham proved to be quite popular with magazine designers since its release in 2004, showing up everywhere from Sports Illustrated and Rolling Stone to British art magazine Frieze. Like Amplitude, the brash personality that made it popular for magazines made it a difficult fit for news use. Its dramatic ink traps and exaggerated ball terminals gave it too much personality on the page, and its serifs were too long to work with the tight spacing needed to fit the necessary number of characters into a headline. Its relatively large cap height was also a problem, particularly for American newspapers, where it is typical to capitalize nearly every word, and some of the more bizarre (but historically accurate) caps in the italics gave editors nightmares.

Farnham Headline has compact proportions and downplays Farnham's more dramatic features, hopefully without losing too much of its personality.

Light, Semilight, Regular, Medium, Semibold, Bold and Black weights, with italics.